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We offer free delivery in Dubai on orders over 750 AED. For bookings of less than 750 AED, we charge 150 AED for delivery.

For all other emirates, we charge for delivery as well.

Yes, we have comprehensive insurance coverage for our business.

Yes, we are a Dubai Mainland registered company operating legally. Our business holds a Dubai Economic Department (DED) license number 1185247, which ensures our compliance with the regulatory requirements and authorizes us to conduct business activities in Dubai.

Bouncy Castles

Upon leaving the premises, it becomes the customer’s responsibility to maintain the inflatable. The customer will be held accountable for any damage not resulting from normal wear and tear, which refers to the usual deterioration occurring when the inflatable is used appropriately and reasonably. The customer assumes liability for damages arising from cutting, tearing, overturning, overloading, exceeding weight capacities, improper use, abuse, lack of care, contamination, or the use of substances such as chemicals, food, paint, silly string, mud, clay, etc., that may cause harm to the unit. In the event of any such issues during pickup, the cost of the damage will be evaluated and automatically billed to the customer.

It takes around 30 min